h&f Exklusivinterview- unter 4 Augen mit…Binker Golding
Ich hatte in meiner News vom 19.05.22 bereits auf das neue und wirklich hervorragende Album von Binker Golding hingewiesen.
Ich musste einfach mit ihm mal ein wenig plaudern! Hier also für Sie exklusiv mein Interview zum heutigen Veröffentlichungstag des Albums „Dream Like A Dogwood Wild Boy“, das übrigens auf CD, LP und digital erscheint!
„h&f Exklusivinterview – unter 4 Augen mit…Binker Golding“
- Have you ever kept something as souvenir from a recording session / studio session?
If I’m leading the recording session, I’ll keep my notes & spread sheets I make in the session, just as documentation so I know what I was thinking. I keep them in an archive.
- What’s your artistic approach – what message or attitude do you transport with your music?
Truth & honesty are the two things I’m primarily interested in projecting into my work.I’m interested in the human condition & representing it in music. My music so far has always been personal.
- What do you love about being a musician?
Creating things that didn’t exist before.
- What is the ’special thing‘ of the new record?
I feel it’s a more honest representation of human nature & feelings. I feel as though I’ve got slightly better at articulating things through music. I also think that compositionally & technically as a saxophonist, it’s my best work.
- What was the most challenging barrier or obstacle during production?
Getting the recorded sound exactly right is the hardest thing I find. I have to work with engineers & explain to them the sound that’s in my head & its difficult to bring that to life. The writing process was also difficult for this record.
- How would you title your autobiography?
“A philosophical enquiry into the nature of day-dreaming”
- What qualities do a persons need to get along in today’s music business?
It’s difficult to say. Just as soon as I think there’s a formula, something contradicts it. I would say persistence it the only constant.
- What’s the most appropriate situation for listening to your new record?
Alone in a room your comfortable in on a stereo. Or awake in bed at night on a stereo.
- What’s the strangest / unusual place you ever recorded?
A storage warehouse. I don’t know where that recording is now, its been lost.
Additional and optional:
What’s your favorite word in the English (or your native) language?
Your last ride with public transportation?
Hampstead tube station to Euston, Euston to Seven sisters.
What’s your favorite way of spending a typical Friday evening?
Typical would be working. Favorite would be at a good after party after a show.
The most famous person in your mobile phones address book?
Gilles Peterson maybe?
Hier ein paar Hörtipps:
Die webseite von Binker Golding: